Skyrim Delete Item From Inventory

Hi there,
I'm trying to re-create some of my Oblivion/Fallout mods.
Those need to loop over all items in the player's inventory and remove items of a certain type, in particular

  • arrows
  • potions
  • crafting materials (ore, ingots, leather, ...)
  • alchemy ingredients
  • soul gems

I have a few items in my inventory that i don want, how do i delete them. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Disable is not a good way to remove items from the game. The item / npc are still there and being loaded by the game. First post is best, either drop the item. Just started playing this edition today It says press r to drop items from your inventory but nothing happens, the only way i can get rid of stuff is to sell it. Also when reading books and it has the option to take i cant, pressing the key does nothing as well as clicking the word 'take'. The follower/Housecarl will take all the items inside the chest. Now talk again to your follower/Housecarl and select 'I need you to carry some things'. Take back your items from his/her inventory. Your items are not marked as Stolen anymore. I tested this with many chests and the trick worked for me. You can remove quest weapons from your inventory by placing them on weapon racks. If you obtain a quest-related weapon before starting a quest, start the quest, then remove/take the weapon from a rack, the quest will proceed normally. verification needed. There are some item which say they are quest items even though they are not and I know 100%. This then disables me from droping, selling or enchanting them. The only way I have been able to get around this is using the console to remove and add again however this is not ideal for enchanted item's which I want to disenchant. It is time for me to find an actual fix for this; please can someone.

Naturally I don't want to check every item's ID but would prefer to use a boolean function (IsIngredient, IsAmmo) or at least check members of a predefined list.Skyrim item prices
In the CK I only found
  • lists: ArrowTypeFormList, CookingIngredientsList, SoulGemsAll
  • form types: AMMO, INGR, SLGM.
Apart from the fact that I don't know yet how to code the checks, I didn't find a CK attribute I can use for all of the item types I'd like to handle (there's no AlchemyIngredientsList, no SmithingIngredientsList and smithing material is stored as form type MISC).
InventoryAny idea? Or should I wait for appropriate SKSE functions?
I find the CK-Wiki hard to navigate, is there a page that lists, for example, all valid arguments to AddInventoryEventFilter? (CookingIngredientsList is the one in the example)
Many thanks in advance! Hi there,
I'm trying to re-create some of my Oblivion/Fallout mods.
Those need to loop over all items in the player's inventory and remove items of a certain type, in particular
  • arrows
  • potions
  • crafting materials (ore, ingots, leather, ...)
  • alchemy ingredients
  • soul gems
Naturally I don't want to check every item's ID but would prefer to use a boolean function (IsIngredient, IsAmmo) or at least check members of a predefined list.
In the CK I only found
  • lists: ArrowTypeFormList, CookingIngredientsList, SoulGemsAll
  • form types: AMMO, INGR, SLGM.
Apart from the fact that I don't know yet how to code the checks, I didn't find a CK attribute I can use for all of the item types I'd like to handle (there's no AlchemyIngredientsList, no SmithingIngredientsList and smithing material is stored as form type MISC).
Any idea? Or should I wait for appropriate SKSE functions?

Skyrim Delete Item Command

I find the CK-Wiki hard to navigate, is there a page that lists, for example, all valid arguments to AddInventoryEventFilter? (CookingIngredientsList is the one in the example)

Skyrim Inventory List

Many thanks in advance!